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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 5

Encourage one another, and build each other up

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Welcome to Year 5's class page!


Your teacher is Miss Littleford. 

Your teaching assistant is Miss Tull and Mrs Bower



Our Learning Last Week

Week Commencing 22nd April 2024


Guided Reading

This term's guided reading focuses on modern fiction texts. We have been reading extracts from The Storm Keeper's Island by Catherine Doyle. The children have focused on learning the definition of new vocabulary, and making inferences about characters feelings based on the text. We have made predictions about what might happen in the rest of the story, as well as thinking about how the author has used words to convey meaning. 



We have begun a new writing unit where the children will be writing their own narrative based on the text The Rain Player by David Wisniewski. This story follows a young Mayan boy who must defeat the God of Rain to save his country from drought. We have looked at different SPaG features such as parenthesis, use of fronted adverbials and how to correctly punctuate possession using an apostrophe. The children began the week by using the front cover and their knowledge of Mayans from the Cadbury World trip and history lessons to predict what the story might have been about. They then focused on Mayan vocabulary and it's meaning, as well as investigating other vocabulary in the text which they can use in their own writing.



This week we completed a short unit on statistics. We focused on line graphs, learning how to plot data from a table onto a line graph, and then using this data to answer questions, working out the difference between different data points, and predicting how data trends will progress.

This term's Christian value

This term's Christian value is justice. We will be exploring this topic throughout our collective worship this term, as well as discussing in class what is meant by justice and what justice looks like in our every day life.
