Helpful Information
Reading books will be changed on a Monday (unless there is a bank holiday, in which case it will be a Tuesday). We encourage re-reading books to develop reading fluency.
Please record reading daily in your child's reading record.
Please record reading daily in your child's reading record.
RWI Red and Green Words
Autumn term sounds to be taught:
m a s d t i n p g o c k ck u b f e l h r j v y w z x sh th ch qu ng nk
Spring term:
ay: May I play?
ee: What can you see?
igh: Fly high.
ow: Blow the snow.
oo: Poo at the zoo.
oo: Look at a book.
ar: Start the car.
or: Shut the door
air: That's not fair.
ir: Whirl and twirl.
ou: Shout it out.
oy: Toy to enjoy.
Our PE day will be on a Friday but this will not start until the spring term.
During the Autumn Term we will start our Balance Bike sessions which will also be on a Friday.
Children will wear PE kit for both PE and Balance Bike lessons. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on a Friday.
T- Shirt (House colour).
Black track suit bottoms.
Black track suit top.
T- Shirt (House colour).
Black Shorts