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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Foundation Class

Welcome to Foundation


Foundation Staff



Monday 14th October - Friday 18th October 


This week, we have learnt the sounds 'r' 'j' 'v', 'y' and 'w' as well as reviewing all of our previously taught sounds. Please practise reading and writing these at home.



We have been reading the story of 'The Invisible String'  by Patrice Karst. This is a story about love and being connected to people even when you can't see them. This week the children have been imagining how far our string will stretch. 



This week we continued to make our whole class book about animas. The children have enjoyed drawing and writing about their favourite animals. Our book includes tigers, lions, cats, dogs, snakes and birds. Next week we will have a publishing party so we can decide  how to share our book with the rest of the school.



We have begun the unit of work called  'It's Me 1,2,3'. We have been focusing on counting, subitising and writing the numbers 1.2 & 3. The children have been putting numbers on a tens frame and taking part in number hunts.



In this week's RE we have been thinking about acts of kindness and the things we to do everyday to be kind and caring to others. We made hearts with all the kind things we do for other people. 


Big Picture

This week we have been looking at the artist Picasso and his work with portraits. We have been making our own cubism pictures using cards and pens.  
