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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust


About Knowl Hill C of E Academy PTA


All parents and carers automatically become members of Knowl Hill C of E Academy PTA when their child starts Knowl Hill C of E Academy Primary School.


The purpose of the PTA (Parents and Teachers Association) is to support the school by offering our time, skills, ideas and donations to provide enrichment activities and resources that will benefit all our children.  It is also an opportunity to meet with other parents and get to know one another.


Over the last few years through our fundraising we've helped build a fantastic new playground castle, a pirate ship, IT and technology for our classrooms and huge maps and educational wall coverings for inside the school.


Last year’s fundraising was severely affected by the impact of coronavirus and meant we couldn't have a Summer fair, Summer raffle or Summer performance, although overall we still raised a whopping £8,800!


If you are interested in becoming involved, please let us know.


Please watch this page as it will be updated with meeting dates and events for the near future.
