Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Your teacher is Miss Gault.
Your teaching assistants are Miss Arthur (Mornings)
and Miss Weatherley (Afternoons)
Our Topic: Come Fly With Me America
Our learning this week:
In English this week, we have researched, planned and started writing our own biographies about a person of our choosing. In Guided Reading, we have continued digging deeper into the meaning of our book A Story Like The Wind.
This week, our topic has been DT. We have learnt to make a circuit, used saws and glue guns to make the base of our fairground rides and used a compass to create perfect circles.
Our topic for the term is classification. This week we learnt all the gestational patterns of different animals compared to their size.
Our question this term is' What is the significance of Karma and Moksha for a Hindu?'. We learnt all about the work of Gandhi and created posters explaining why he is a good role model to Hindus.
Our topic this term is presenting ourselves. We learnt to say how old are you and I am ... years old.
This term, our sports are basketball and dance.
Our value this term is Courage