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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 6


Welcome to Year 6 

Your teacher is Miss Gault. 

Your teaching assistant is Miss Arthur. 

Our Topic: Full of Beans

Our learning last week:


This week, we have been planning and writing our own explanation texts about a topic that interests us for our writing for pleasure unit. We have been working on developing our independent writing skills and our editing skills. 



This week, our topic has been Art. We have been designing and creating our own Aladdin set designs based on different parts of the show. We have been developing our 3D drawing skills, as well as our teamwork skills. We have also been working hard to create props and set for our end of year production. 



This term, we are focusing on athletics and dance. 



This term, our topic is at school. 


Christian Value: Truthfulness
