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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Photo Gallery

Our Learning This Week in Photos

Year 6 Take Over Day

Art-Aladdin Set Design

Recorder Practice

Visit to Maidenhead Mosque

Hooke Court-Science, Low Ropes and Bridge the Moat

Hooke Court-Mud Run and Barn Dance

Maya Art

Practicing Our Skills in Tennis

Chocolate Making and Tasting in DT Immersion

Cadbury's World

Science-Does the height a meteor is dropped from effect the size of crater made?

STEM Week-Creating Brush Monsters

STEM Week-Creating Circuits

STEM Week-Using Microbits to Create Animations

Science Talk From Arthur about the Sun and the Planets

Exploring Moon Rock In Science

Physical and Human Features of Antarctica Leaflets

Shackleton's Journey Immersion-Sleeping bag race, stepping stones and blubber glove insulation

Year 5 and 6 Gymnastics

Christmas Unwrapped-Making mince pies and learning about the true Christmas Story

Measuring Body Proportions with Masking Tape and Rulers

Year 5 and 6 Gymnastics

Year 5 and 6 Visit Hampton Court Palace

RE and Art Week

Observational Drawing of Classroom Objects. We used different methods of drawing such as 1 minute, 2 minute, continuous line and blind contour.

Animal Heart Dissection-Labelling the main structures of the heart and exploring the internal structure.

Hooke Court-Tudor Weaving and the Time Team Dig

Hooke Court-Tudor Cooking, Games, Drama and Costumes
