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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Photo Gallery

The children's rainforest diaramas they did in Art

Learning about the rainforest at Kew Gardens

World Book Day: Adapting Birthday Bunny story and illustrations to create a brand new story!

British Museum trip: After our lecture on the Benin Kingdom, we got to see the real Benin Bronzes.

Science: How does teeth brushing impact our plaque build up? We found out by using a disclosure tablet.

Computing Technology: This week we learned how to use Scratch to create African inspired spirographs.

DT: having studied different boat designs, the children got to test out their designs to see if they were buoyant, waterproof and could carry weight.

Science Habitats: using a classification key to identify animals. The children then designed their own using post-its and pipe cleaners

Science Habitats: revisiting how to classify objects as living, non living and never alive.

Vicious vikings immersion: The children present their handmade viking shields and helmets, before getting the chance to role-play being on a longship.
