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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 4

smileyWelcome to year 4!smiley

Dear Parents of Year 4,

I hope you’re doing well! As part of our current learning in maths, I’d like to highlight the importance of knowing times tables. These skills are essential because they support:


- Short Division: Using the “bus stop method” becomes much smoother with quick recall of multiplication facts.

- Fractions: Understanding and simplifying fractions relies heavily on knowledge of times tables.

- Decimals: We’ll soon be moving on to decimals, where these skills will continue to play an important role.


Practising times tables at home, whether through flashcards, apps, or fun quizzes, can make a big difference.

Thank you for your continued support in helping your child succeed and enjoy maths! smiley


Warm regards,
Mrs F

Our value this term is FORGIVENESS!


STEM DAY - Monday 24th February 2025: 


While we were away on holiday, a shocking crime took place at our school! The Bear family had been enjoying a lovely picnic and decided to take a walk through the woodlands, but when they returned, they discovered something terrible ... Baby Bear's chair was broken!

Who could have done it? The mystery begins...enlightened



The children had a great start to the new term with an engaging STEM activity! In science, they explored chromatography and learned how it is used in forensic investigations. They experimented with different felt-tip pens in water and observed how each colour is made up of other colours.



In computing, the children learned about databases, including fields and records. They used the J2E application to input details for all 10 suspects. With three clues to help solve the mystery, they carefully eliminated suspects from the platform. In the end, they discovered that, unfortunately, The Woodcutter was the main suspect! To help catch him, the children created a wanted poster.


Our learning this week: Tuesday 25th February to Friday 28th February 2025



This week, the children were introduced to the wonderfully illustrated book Seen and Not Heard by Katie May Green. This is the story of children from old Victorian paintings who sneak out of their frames under the full moon and embark on mischievous adventures.



In maths, we have started a new unit on fractions! The children explored the concept of equal groups by using concrete resources to help them visualise and understand how to share and divide things fairly.


Guided Reading

In guided reading, we've been exploring the interesting world of rocks and minerals, what they are and how they are formed. The children learnt that fossils form when plants and animals die and over time their remains become preserved in rock.



In music, the children were introduced to the composer Edward Elgar and listened to some of his wonderful pieces. They also began learning about different notes using recorders and as part of their learning, they will create their very own unique 'musical selfie'.



This term in science focuses on forces and magnets. The children were introduced to friction, one of the forces.

We conducted an experiment to observe how different surfaces affect friction. The children tested various materials and discovered how some surfaces create more friction than others, making objects move faster or slower.



In PE this term, we've been focused on hockey and dance! The children are excited about both activities, especially as we prepare for our upcoming Dance Extravaganza, which will be held at the Braywick Centre on April 3rd. It's sure to be a fantastic event, and we can't wait to see the children showcase their hard work!
