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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Meet the Governors

Chair of Governors Welcome


I would like to welcome you and your family to our school.  Knowl Hill C of E Academy is a unique and special place where we nurture children from their first experience of education on their journey to become lifelong learners.


Every child is different and we work in partnership with parents to develop each individual to reach their full potential.


As the Chair of Governors I have been involved with Knowl Hill for a number of years and have watched it grow and develop into the wonderful school that it is today.  With our rapidly changing environment I am confident that we can play our part in preparing our children for their future to be responsible, creative, well educated adults with a strong Christian ethos.


Carolyn Deans 

Chair of Governors

Meet the Governors

Our Governing Body

Carolyn Deans - Chair of Governors and Director of Ashley Hill Multi Academy Trust


Reverend Steve Turville - Vice Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor 

Lesley Bell - Foundation Governor 

Cynthia Pitteway - Governor  

Helen Martin- Parent governor

Rob Spratley- Parent governor 

Nichole Bourner - Staff Governor



Governor Roles

Outcomes/Data – Cynthia Pitteway and Helen Martin 

PP, LAC, SEND & EYFS - Carolyn Deans

Safeguarding – Carolyn Deans  

SIAMS, Spirituality & RE – Steve Turville & Lesley Bell

Curriculum - Steve Turville & Lesley Bell 

Finance and Audit – Carolyn Deans 

Health & Safety and Building & Premises – Rob Spratley

Non-core curriculum - Cynthia Pitteway




Supporting Staff

Jennifer Blackburn - Clerk to the Governors, Ashley Hill Multi Academy Trust

Wendy Simmons - Business Manager, Ashley Hill Multi Academy Trust


Admissions Committee                            

Cynthia Pitteway

Steve Turville

Isabel Cooke                                             



Governor Date of Appointment and Term of Office

All Governors were elected/re-elected for a four year term of office on 27th September 2022 to 31st August 2026.  In addition, Governors are elected to the Board of Governors following the resignation of Governors.

How to contact our Governing Body

If you would like to contact the Governing Body, please address your letter to the Chair of Governors, c/o Knowl Hill CE Academy, Bath Road, Knowl Hill, Reading, Berkshire, RG10 9UX.

Relationships between Governors and members of the school

Articles of Association and Annual Report

Governor visit forms can be requested from the school office.