Art - Creating a volcano eruption using charcoal, oil pastels and watercolour
PE - Gymnastics - Apparatus
RE - Trinity Chant - Kenning poems
Church Visit - Baptism
PE - Netball
Maths - Multiplication/Division
RE and Art day - 4/11/24 - Day 5 - Then God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens."
DT - Final outcome - WC 14/10/24 - Italian salad
Design and Technology - WC 07/10/24 - Italian Salad - The children tested three different healthy Mediterranean salads and discussed various elements of ingredients used in them. They also learnt different preparation skills such as peeling, slicing, grating, squeezing, and snipping, which they practically tried on different vegetables and herbs.
History - Verulamium Museum - 17/09/2024
Science - Rocks and Soil - WC 9/9/24 - In science, the children studied different rocks including Pumice, Quartz, Chalk, Granit, etc and learned about their properties (hardness, texture, etc).
Immersion Days - Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September 2024
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