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Knowl Hill CofE Academy

"Together We Succeed"

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Photo Gallery

Art - Stick transformation -WC 1st July

Science - 17.05.2024 - The children learnt all about the human body and the meaning of hygiene and all the things we can do to keep us clean and germ free. As a class we set up an experiment to help us understand the importance of handwashing.

RE - 17.05.2024 - Journaling: Genesis 2:2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

Computing - WC 13.05.2024 - The children have enjoyed learning what an 'algorithm' is, what the buttons on a beebot mean, using the beebot to a set of instructions and creating their own set of instructions for the beebot to follow.

RE- Judaism/Shabat - 10/05/2024 - This week the children have continued their learning all about the religion of Judaism, where they have been exploring the objects used by the Jewish community in celebrating Shabat, learning why they are used and the importance of them to Jewish people. The children spent time making these objects with clay and we were very privileged having Mrs Dickens, our RE lead around talking to the children about their work.

DT- 3D map of local area - WC 6th May 2024- The children created the 3D map of the local area by making 3D-shaped buildings and using different techniques (flange, L-brace, etc) to hold up the 2shapes as free-standing objects on the map.

DT - WC 29th April 2024 - 3D trees and buildings for our local area map / Flange technique for making trees and using 3D shapes (cubes, cuboids and triangular prisms) for creating the buildings.

DT - WC 26th April 2024 - The children have enjoyed the start to their DT unit this week, where they have learnt how to join materials such as card and how to make 3D models stronger using a variety of techniques.

Science - 26th April 2024 - The children carried out a mini science investigation, where they worked together to answer the question: Are the older people in the class the tallest?

Geography - Local Walk - 18/04/2024 - The children went on a walk of the village to help them understand what landmarks and key features of the village there are and learnt the difference between physical and human features of the local area.

History - 17/04/2024 - visit from ''Flo on the Road'' who gave us an insight into the life of Florence Nightingale, how she cared for the sick and wounded soldiers and the changes she made to nursing for the better.

History - Florence Nightingale Timeline - WC 15/04/2024

Science/Signs of Spring - 22.03.2024

Painted Clay Masks - WC 18.03.2024

RE/Creating posters to encourage Charity-Donation for less fortunate people 1/3/24

Science/Micro Habitat -Friday 1/3/24

Pitt Rivers Museum - 28/02/2024

Author/Illustrator Bridget Marzo visit - 27/02/24

Technology and the planet (23/02/24) - We had an online visitor talking about how we can save the planet by using technology in different ways.

STEM DAY (20/02/24) - DT/Balanced Mobile (The children enjoyed designing and making a mobile, to provide a solution to Wallace's problem of not being able to sleep.)

STEM DAY (19/02/24)/ Computing - Stop Motion (The children enjoyed learning how to use the stop motion app to create their own stop motion movies based on the Arctic.)

Science / WC 5th February 2024 (The children learned what the term 'food chain' means, how it works and used images of living things to create their own food chain (that includes a predator, prey and producer).

Computing / WC 5th February 2024 (The children explored the different features of the Paint Programme, to create a digital painting of a Spring tree, inspired by the work of David Hockney).

Design & Technology (WC 22nd January 2024)

Christingle service 8/12/23

27/11/23 Church visit (Why do Christian believe Christmas is important to the world?)
